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Top 5 things to know about LASIK
Posted by: Georgia Center for Sight
LASIK eye surgery is a popular solution for anyone wearing glasses or contacts on a regular basis. LASIK, or laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis, is a refractive eye surgery that works to give patients better vision. While it is extremely successful in many cases, many patients will still need glasses for reading or driving at night as they age. If you’re considering the surgery check out the top things to know to help inform your decision:
Are you eligible?
LASIK isn’t for everyone. In general, it is best for people who have bad eyesight, but no unusual vision problems. If you have any of the symptoms below, LASIK might not be the best fit for you:
Eye injuries
Lid disorders
Dry eye
Large pupils
Can you afford it?
Since LASIK is often considered an elected procedure by many insurance companies, they don’t cover it.
Potential side effects
Vision complications or loss of sight are a rare result of LASIK, however side effects such as dry eye or temporary visual disturbances are fairly common. Side effects often dissipate after several weeks, and rarely become a long term problem.
The procedure
The surgery is essentially pain free and takes only about 15 minutes. The improved vision begins immediately and continues to stabilize over the first several days.
LASIK surgery recovery time
The full recovery time after the procedure is about 3 months to let the eyes fully heal. Eyes will most likely feel normal the day after surgery though.
Are you a LASIK eye surgery candidate? Take the quiz here to find out.
Call Georgia Center for Sight today for the best LASIK surgery in Athens! (800) 287-2519