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Can I Get LASIK With an Astigmatism?
Posted by: Georgia Center for Sight
Contemplating LASIK eye surgery, but worried you aren’t a candidate due to your astigmatism? If you have ever asked “Can I have LASIK with an astigmatism?” we have some helpful information to let you know what options are available to you!
The easy answer to “Can LASIK fix an astigmatism” is yes, as the technology has improved, the surgery is able to almost always fully correct the astigmatism. If you have an astigmatism in one or both of your eyes, this just means that the shape of your cornea in your eye is asymmetrical.
LASIK surgery has the ability to determine the shape of your eye and use precise lasers to correct and reshape the deformation of your cornea, resulting in clear vision! LASIK and astigmatism do not have to be separated, as LASIK does not keep people with an astigmatism from receiving effective surgery that leads to greatly enhanced vision.
Now that the question “Can people with astigmatism have LASIK” has been answered, people often wonder the LASIK for astigmatism cost. The surgery itself may go up slightly in price due to the astigmatism, however, most insurances cover a significant portion of the cost, making it reasonable to receive this surgery.
People with or without an astigmatism can expect similar results from the surgery. LASIK surgery for astigmatism should give patients these results:
Good-excellent vision for 10-20+ years
No longer a need for glasses/contact lenses
Vision to potentially worsen with age