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5 Reasons You Should Get LASIK Over Your Holiday Break
Posted by: Georgia Center for Sight
LASIK procedures may seem overwhelming and scary in thought. You might be worried about having to take time off work and school. Or, you might be thinking “I’m never going to have time for this.” Below are five reasons why getting LASIK over your holiday break is a great option.
Recovery is fast– Unlike many other surgeries and procedures, LASIK recovery time can be fairly quick. Most people who have LASIK see significant change in the first couple of days. Typically two to seven days is the recovery time. This makes it a perfect option to get over your holiday break because you can take less time off work and school and recover on your days off.
It’s a great way to start the year! Have a list of new year resolutions? Make LASIK number one. Start off the new year with your new eyesight. Put the procedure behind you and look forward to a new year with new eyes.
Cost Effectiveness– Upfront, LASIK seems expensive. Think about all the money you spend on contacts, glasses, repairs, and prescriptions? Over time, LASIK will pay for itself. It’s an investment that you won’t regret down the road. It’s the perfect gift to give yourself.
Extra Help– If you choose to do LASIK over your holiday break, chances are that your family members are on break too. This makes it easier to have a designated driver after surgery and someone to bring you to follow-up appointments in the first few days until you’re cleared to drive.
Time to Relax– Holiday breaks are meant for relaxation. Getting LASIK gives you the excuse to take time for yourself. Enjoy binging your favorite shows, taking long naps, and staying bundled up warm from the colder weather outside.