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What Can Cause Early Cataracts?
Posted by: Georgia Center for Sight
We all know that as we age, our eyesight typically tends to decline. This is a normal process, but it might be more than just age that is causing blurring in your vision. If you are curious about what causes cataracts or signs that you might need treatment, here are some answers to commonly asked questions regarding cataracts and cataract surgery:
What causes cataracts? Although the most simple response is they develop with age, cataracts are a condition that makes your vision appear blurry or milky. It is most common to develop as you age, but they can occur at any age. Cataracts are also the most common cause of blindness, and therefore, there is treatment that can help protect your vision.
How do I know if I have cataracts? If you experience any of these symptoms, it is possible that you might have cataracts, and you should let our experts at Georgia Center for Sight take a look to keep your vision clear and your eyes healthy:
Blurry or cloudy vision
Glare, halo, and increased difficulty with night driving
Decreased comfort with reading, even with proper-strength reading glasses
Difficulty seeing clearly even after updating your glasses prescription
You can also take this quiz to see if you have cataracts: https://www.georgiacenterforsight.com/getting-cataracts
What are early cataract causes? People often are curious about why they get cataracts at a young age, and there are many reasons. Some early onset cataracts causes include smoking, diabetes, hypertension and prior eye surgeries are all common causes of cataracts and can explain why people develop cataracts at a younger age.
Can you treat cataracts? Cataracts do require treatment, as the condition will worsen without proper treatment to take care of your eyes and restore your vision. The treatment for cataracts typically entails replacing the entire lens. This treatment is effective and has an extremely high success rate.
How long does it take to recover from treatment? Typically, patients only need a few days to recover from treatment. Your vision should improve soon after the surgery, and can continue to improve within the next few days or weeks.